Tuesday, April 15, 2014


Hello Everyone!

    A whirlwind week, I snorkeled with amazing sharks and fishes in crystal clear water, cliff jumped from the top of a GIANT rock formation, swam with plankton and trekked up to the highest viewpoint on Koh Phi Phi to an amazing view! To top it off, the AMAZING five other Gusties who came along for the journey (Liz, Krystal, Kristine, Jena and Joey)  made the break that much more amazing. Spring break taught me a lot about myself, but it only reassured the notion that Gusties are truly some of the most intelligent, kind-hearted, genuine and passionate people who never seek to amaze me!

    I cannot even begin articulate a way to describe how incredible my spring break in Thailand and Koh Phi Phi was.....Which is why I am simply going to show you all through the art of photography! Stay tuned people..... I'll let the pictures speak for themselves!!!!

As always, sending all my love from Malaysia!


These Guys were Amazing!

Pee Pee Viewpoint :)

Beach Parties!

Fire Limbo!
Best Spot on the Boat!
Headed to Snorkeling!
Pee Pee Viewpoint!
Thai Pastry!
Maya Bay Sunset!
Thai Taxi :)
Sunset on Board a Longtail Boat :)
Boat Rides 4 Dayzzz!
Ready to BOX!

Miss Lee was my FAV on the Island!

WON my Thai Boxing Match!
Thai Taxi Ride @ Night!!!

Koh Phi Phi :)

These men would pick people up (sometimes double their size in weight and height) and limbo them under the fire!