Monday, February 17, 2014

The Power of the Hand! :)


     As I have stated in my previous posts, traffic is CRAZY here in Malaysia. Traffic comes from just about everywhere; there is no sense of traffic laws and pedestrians DO NOT have the right away. It takes a lot of getting used to in order to navigate Malaysian streets as a driver, so take the time to imagine the will power it takes to navigate as pedestrians.

     During the course of our orientation, we were introduced to one of the most powerful tools in Malaysia in accordance to safety. It is a little something known as "The Power of the Hand." This tool is used quite often by native Malaysians in order to communicate the message to drivers and motorcyclists that they'd like to cross a busy intersection. So how does it work??!!  How it works is that you stick out your palm as if to high five someone and face it at a 45 degree angle in the direction of on coming traffic........AND IT ACTUALLY WORKS. Drivers that are speeding down the road slow and gesture you to safely cross the busy intersections - I'TS MAGIC!

     Thus, since I've been here, I have learned to master the power of the hand. I use it multiple times per day and I am quite fascinated by how the system works. Drivers don't stop for stop signs but they stop for a simple gesture of the hand - fascinating ehh?

    Among us, there are many other international students on the trip (including some Canadians) who I'm not sure know about the power of the hand and I question their ability to make it in and around campus without this helpful tool!

    Back in the states, we rely on  traffic laws and regulations to protect us, but here that is obsolete, so one most adopt the tools to safely and effectively get around. Therefore, The Power of the Hand has been one of the most powerful tools that I have learned during my first week here in Penang, Malaysia.

Love & Best Wishes from Malaysia,



Popular Malaysian Signs

Beach Shoreline

Hostiles @ Sunset

Double Selfie with Liz at a Chinese Temple

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